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    S铆ndrome de hiperestimulaci贸n ov谩rica severo: Informe de caso y revisi贸n de literatura

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    Introduction: Severe ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome is the most serious complication of ovarian stimulation during the induction of ovulation. Characteristic findings are the presence of increased ovarian volume and ascites in relation to fluid extravasation due to increased capillary permeability whose severity can lead to respiratory failure, renal failure, and hemodynamic collapse and thromboembolic events. Objective: To describe a clinical case of OHSS, along with a review of the literature on the pathology, aimed at the diagnosis and optimal treatment of patients with these clinical characteristics. Case presentation: A 29-year-old patient with a history of polycystic ovarian syndrome who presented severe Severe ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome as a secondary complication to gonadotrophic stimulation. The clinical profile showed enlarged ovaries in the sonographic test; anasarca due to ascites and bilateral pleural effusions and respiratory failures that belong to a respiratory distress type in this adult patient. Paracentesis was performed and noninvasive mechanical ventilation was used, achieving lung expansion with it. Discussion: The analysis of this case was started seven days after the administration of gonadotropin, favored by the patient鈥檚 previous conditions, with no lethal complications. Conclusions: Paracentesis may be an effective therapeutic option in the treatment of ascites with compromised lung function. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation is a strategy to avoid intubation in these patients, which avoids the periods of exhaustive sedation and the consequent risk of bronchoaspiration. [Urbina-Contreras ZE, Urbina-Echeverry SE, Lamos-Duarte AF, Pic贸n-Jaimes YA. Severe Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome: Case Report and Literature Review. MedUNAB 2017; 20(2): 244-251].Introducci贸n: El s铆ndrome de hiperestimulaci贸n ov谩rica severo es la complicaci贸n m谩s grave de la estimulaci贸n ov谩rica durante la inducci贸n de la ovulaci贸n. Los hallazgos caracter铆sticos son la presencia de ovarios aumentados de volumen y ascitis en relaci贸n a extravasaci贸n de l铆quido por aumento de la permeabilidad capilar, cuya severidad puede llevar a falla respiratoria, renal, colapso hemodin谩mico y eventos tromboemb贸licos. Objetivo: Describir un caso cl铆nico de s铆ndrome de hiperestimulaci贸n ov谩rica, junto con una revisi贸n de la literatura sobre la patolog铆a, orientada al diagn贸stico y tratamiento 贸ptimo de pacientes con estas caracter铆sticas cl铆nicas. Presentaci贸n del caso: Paciente de 29 a帽os con antecedente de s铆ndrome de ovario poliqu铆stico que presenta s铆ndrome de hiperestimulaci贸n ov谩rica severo como complicaci贸n secundaria a estimulaci贸n gonadotr贸fica. El cuadro cl铆nico mostr贸 ovarios aumentados de tama帽o en la evaluaci贸n sonogr谩fica; anasarca dada por ascitis y derrames pleurales bilaterales e insuficiencia respiratoria tipo distr茅s respiratorio del adulto. Se realiz贸 paracentesis y se utiliz贸 ventilaci贸n mec谩nica no invasiva, logrando la expansi贸n pulmonar. Discusi贸n: El an谩lisis de este caso se inici贸 siete d铆as despu茅s de la administraci贸n de gonadotropina, favorecido por las condiciones previas de la paciente, sin complicaciones letales. Conclusiones: La paracentesis puede constituir una opci贸n terap茅utica efectiva en el tratamiento de ascitis con compromiso de la funci贸n pulmonar. La ventilaci贸n mec谩nica no invasiva es una estrategia para evitar la intubaci贸n en estas pacientes lo cual evita los periodos de sedaci贸n exhaustivos y el consiguiente riesgo de broncoaspiraci贸n. [Urbina-Contreras ZE, Urbina-Echeverry SE, Lamos-Duarte AF, Pic贸n-Jaimes YA. S铆ndrome de hiperestimulaci贸n ov谩rica severo: Informe de caso y revisi贸n de literatura. MedUNAB 2017; 20(2): 244-251]